3-Day Restorative and Relational Formal Processes - Restorative Conferencing: Facilitator Skills Training
Restorative Conferencing: Facilitator Skills Training – SynRJ Module 3
Online course not currently available. We are working on a ‘hybrid’ course with a mixture of face to face and online delivery.
Course Aim
Learn how to facilitate restorative conferences – structured meetings that bring together everyone affected by an incident of
wrongdoing or conflict to discuss how they have been affected and decide how to repair the harm.
N.B. This course also covers Restorative & Relational Informal Processes.

• brings together all those affected by conflict
• allows participants to come to a shared understanding
• provides a safe environment for the expression of emotion• provides opportunities to rebuild damaged relationships
• rebuilds relationships and strengthens communities
• processes can be used proactively or reactively
• can be used within existing systems
• can go on to participate in a 2-Day “Advanced” training
• pursue personal accreditation
• continuum of practice
• concentrates upon dealing restoratively with cases involving accepted responsibility
• introduces conferences involving unacknowledged harm and/or unaccepted responsibility
• using the restorative conferencing script
• preparation of participants
• practical relevant role-play opportunities
• the role of the facilitator
Agenda & Materials
• group exercises to practice facilitating conferences
• feedback from experienced restorative facilitators
• exercises to look at dealing with acknowledged harm
• instructional videos and discussion
Student Course Workbook
Training Opportunities
Open Events:
Click through to Events for available face to face and online open events.
Our open event fees include tuition, books and materials.
Where appropriate they also include venue costs, lunch and refreshments.
Accommodation and other associated expenses are not included.
On-Site Events:
All SynRJ trainings and workshops we provide can be brought on-site (plus a growing list online) to your agency, school, community or organisation.
Our on-site training fees include delivery by one or two trainers as appropriate and all required materials. Provision of a suitable venue, any student accommodations and associated trainer expenses, including lunch and refreshments for students and the trainer/s, are the responsibility of the contracting organisation.
Online Events:
Several SynRJ Workshops and Training Courses we provide can now be delivered entirely online to your agency, school, community or organisation.
Our online training fees include delivery by one or two trainers as appropriate and all required materials.