Student Workbooks and Teachers Guides
Our four publications in the ‘Restorative & Relational Processes in Action’ can be ordered in our Online Store!
Click here for a downloadable flyer.
These publications consist of both ‘Student Workbooks‘ and ‘Teachers Guides‘ titled ‘Lost Memories: A Restorative Story‘ for ages 4 to 11 Years and ‘Broken Windscreen: A Restorative Story’ for ages 11 to 18 (+ Adults).
Both are subtitled ‘Introducing Restorative and Relational Processes‘ (RP). Suggested ages allow for a crossover between the two publications depending upon student abilities.
Each Teachers Guide includes the following downloadable resources: Presentation for Part 1 (also printable as a full colour Landscape ‘Story Book’ for use with younger Children) & Presentation for Part 2, a related Role Play and Reflection Sheets.
See below for two short videos introducing these Student Workbooks & Teachers Guides
All Four Books: More than ever right now, children and young people need to develop the skills to form healthy relationship and manage conflict and harm. SynRJ, with nearly 30 years of experience in the field of restorative practices, have developed an excellent set of structured and evidence based workbooks and guides to support this learning. The resources provide a structured restorative framework to support young people and the adults working with them in a range of settings to understand the importance of creating a safe environment in which conflict and harm can be dealt with in a constructive way involving all those who have been affected. The amazing art work ensures that these resources can be used with any age and will support the exploration of feelings and emotions and the development of social communication skills with a range of young people who may also have additional needs. A great set of resources to support settings to help children and young people to learn to build, maintain and if necessary repair relationships and support healthy outcomes for all.
Dr. Nicola Preston PhD MA MA(Ed) PGCE PGCert BA(Hons) MBPsS FHEA, Deputy Subject Leader – Education, Senior Lecturer – Inclusive Studies & Special Educational Needs, Programme Lead National Award in SEN Co-ordination – Faculty of Health, Education and Society, University of Northampton
4 – 11 ‘Lost Memories’:
Wow! I absolutely love it. Modern, child appropriate – language is real and images are great. I think using the shoelace scenario really underpins the message for children. There is a good balance of underpinning theory in a child centred way. Get it out there…
Danielle Coffey – Deputy Head Teacher & SENDCo – East Ward Community Primary School
11 – 18 ‘Broken Windscreen’: As a parent of two boys and a member of staff in a local secondary school, I found the books really interesting and could see them being of a huge benefit to students and staff. It certainly made me think more about how we deal with behavioural situations and would hope that students would also learn and benefit from their actions.
Rebecca Cook – Leader of DASH – Dowdales School
Contact us to arrange an online workshop sessions on using the Teachers Guides and Student Workbooks.
You can get a taste of the great illustrations we have commissioned for these publications above and below this post.
‘Broken Windscreen’ ages 11 to 18 years
Videos Introducing our Student Workbooks & Teachers Guides
‘Lost Memories’ ages 4 to 11 years